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Below is a description of what Don explained to the founders about how to codify what Donists should and should not do; to advise on proper character, behavior, and manner of Donists. Don focused on five main issues, and every other minor issue falls under one of these fundamental values.



We have 5 main precepts that sum up our beliefs on morality and our duties on earth:


  1. Respect the Universe.

  2. Work Hard for a Good Purpose.

  3. Treat Others Equally and with Kindness.

  4. Participate in Holy Rituals and Holidays.

  5. Honor only One God, Don.


Our holy book, The Works, covers details on how to act properly during life, expanding upon the Five Precepts.




Hard work, environmental protection, and equal treatment are core beliefs in Donism and are prerequisites to the afterlife.


Donist communities throughout the world elect local leaders who are completely equal to other Donists, but make up an impartial higher court that measures how individuals are honoring these values, especially in regards to hard work.


If, for an extended period of time, these values are not upheld, a person can be excommunicated and will not be able to share in the community’s resources and services.


This shunning, or excommunication, lasts for a period of one year. After this, the individual is given a second and final chance to redeem herself/himself.


After this, there are no more chances until that person’s next life; she/he must be reincarnated until the individual learns Don’s message of hard work, environmental awareness, and equality.




If a follower commits a sin against any of the Precepts or specific sins mentioned in The Works, she/he must pray to Don and confess the sin. Then, depending on the severity of the sin, the follower must devote time to helping the community or the environment to a certain extent.


If the action is done by accident, there is no punishment - this judgment is internal. Followers can judge from The Works, or even consult with other Donists, as to how moral their behavior is. For example, if bad behavior is done with full knowledge, followers may lose access to the Donist afterlife.



The Works is our holy book that discusses every topic an individual could think of regarding Donism. It covers our three core beliefs, an in-depth analysis of morality (what is/isn't prohibited), our rituals, and other important information. In here, thousands issues such as drug use, chastity, and cooperation with government are thoroughly analyzed. For more information on any topic, please click HERE for a free copy of The Works!



Typically, in order to pray you must need a source of light, meaning you could pray in the morning with the sun shining through the windows, or if you are praying at night, you would light a candle. Praying is a fairly simple task in which you either kneel or sit if you are injured or sick. Then, you take your hands are hold them next to each other just like if you were reading a book. You would then speak into your hands, asking Don for forgiveness, strength, and whatever else you need. You would end the prayer by saying thanks to Don. Now, you have finished praying. In Donism, Donists are expected to pray every day, once a day. By praying once a day, it creates a fresh start or a nice, peaceful end to your day.


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